Monday, February 14, 2011

Favourite Person

Its very hurt if we know someone will definitely hate us because of we are the favorite of someone..
n this is happen with me since i'm still in kid until now.. is it wrong if i'm so kind with other people??
n my sister always say that... "kakyam lain.. kakyam disukai ramai.. n suma orang suka kakyam"... do you thing I'm like when my sis saying that.. i'm so damn hate that ayat.. n is it i have to do something bad so that all the person not like me anymore.. huuuuhhh...

is it my work sooo can't get what i get know.. i know it hurts when we expect we do the best but no one see it.. i know it so sad... it soo dissapointed.. isn't it.. but can we just pegang Rezki kat tangan tuhan.. that is not manusia yang menentukan rezki kita... all comes from Allah.. n mayb rezki menyebelahi at my side.. but we don't know what the worse thing will become to me... But it felt very disappointing when the person that closed to me see me like i'm not deserve to get what i get...

n maybe i have to move to other department or other place... n just being me n find new friend in new place... huhh... this thing so make me want to move to other place...



kamz_moon said...

Sabar la yam. Kita x boleh puaskan hati semua orang. Sebab yam baik hati la ramai orang sayang..hehehe said...


tulah.. tengah sabar la.. heheh...:)

Anonymous said...

kate ke fati laa tuh...huh said...


hhheh... mana tau nih..;p

Anonymous said...

I've managed to read your blog entries...very insightful. A fiercely loyal and loving person to your family though you try to paint a different picture of yourself.
Very thoughtful of you to share familiar stories of your brothers and sisters..Mar, Fatimah, Nadiah, Khatijah, Naguib and Idrus and of your dad..Syed Abd. Kadir.. your late mum..Tuan...., your ex- step mum and your current step mum. Did I miss any other names... There's 2 more I think?
Although your English grammar can be a wee bit better but I hear your thoughts...of and sorrow.It struck a chord in everyone's emotion.
You have a strong business spirit..keep it up Yam!!

Anonymous said...

Teringat seorang insan suatu ketika dahulu ketika dia menyewa di kawasan flat di Serdang. Kami bantu dia berpindah dari Serdang ke apartment lain di Seri Kembangan berhampiran Jaya Jusco.Masa tu dia di UPM.
Sebijik character macam saudari..very independent and high spirit.