Monday, March 25, 2013

Sydney Holiday - Part 1

Alhamdulillah finally I got the time to update my blog... hehheh.. (macam bz sangat je padahal malassss)...;p
On 24th Feb 2013, my family going to our 1st vacation with my 1st baby.. hehehhe.. excited lebih sikit..
and my hubby 1st experience going oversea selain Singapore la kan.. hehehe.. so dia pon excited lebih.. 
but our preparation only 1 month je kot... huhu.. cause book last minute.. 

our flight almost 8 hours. before naik fight macam2 pikir.. cause 1st time Aisyah naik flight selama tuh...
flight at 2330 Malaysia time and arrive at 1100 sydney time...;)

excited nak gerak.. sampai bag over berat... luckily ada one guy yang sudi berkongsi berat luggage.. huhuh... alhamdulillah...;)

in flight mode... bosan sudahhhhh.... alhamdulillah on the way pergi aisyah tak buat hal.. n tido jek..  

aisyah in dream.. ingat kat atas katil rumah... sedap benooo bantal tuh...

At sydney sky view...;)

semangat giler amik gambo ni because of malaysia have the highest building.... proud to be Malaysia... tetiba...

the view from Sydney Eye Tower

Just for info all the tickets for Wild Life, Medame, Aquarium and all can buy on-line and safe 50%... So now focus on lawatan ke-2.. hehehe... madame tussauds 

ya ampon rosak laki aku...

hahhaha... with Albert Einstein

gatal giler muka.. sabo jeler...

Aisyah new pet... hahaha....
after g sydney baru aku tau my b is pelakon terbaikk.... hahahah....

 the closing for day 1.. 
will be continue day 2 next time eh....;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said... 1? ampeh btoi...ade pulak to be continue..ish3x..tulaa,neyh pun baru rajin nk update..huhu..xabis2x tukar rupe blog..huhu