Inshaallah this week will going for holiday with my sweet, charming b......heheheh..;p
I'm already book at Chymes Hotel... anyway find it at Groupon...:)

located at Tanjung Bungah.. this is the hotel... can't wait to going there...
our activities maybe....
1) Makan - makan
aktiviti wajib even where ever we go...
Line Clear... nyok campuq... mee goreng mamak pakcik bongkok tu... hehehe....
2) Movies Gurney Plaza..
macam menarik jek kan if going to watch movie at Penang.. cam tak pernah jek..;p
3) going to chowstar market...
must do.. and i know kedai yang akan disinggah adalah kedai yang jual pedang samurai..
as i know, tak pernah lagi tak pergi kedai uncle nih if g penang... hahahaha... uncle tuh pon dah muak tengok muka my b coz tgk tak pernah beli...;p

this must be outside of the hotel maybe.. hehehe.. tak sampai lagi.. nanti sampai will be take pictures banyak2 eh..;)
Hopefully my vacation fully joy and happiness with my lovely b...
hahahhaah.. last picture...;p
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