Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Post before bersalin...

 on 2nd of Sept hari tuh sempat lagi amik photo shoot... hilang rasa sakit bila ada photo shoot... nampak sangat giler posing.. hahaha.. tapi suddenly bila aku tengok balik gambar2 nih Rizza lagi pandai posing gamaknya... konon taknak photo shoot n tak suka.. last2 gambar dia gak cantik.. hahhhaa.. tetiba jealous...;p

anyway photo shoot taken by our wedding photographer, Mile09 hari tu.. hehehe.. suka kat diaorang cause sangat sempoi... n believe it or not he take picture at Irma Hasni wedding.. hehehhe... suka2... tetiba photographer artist amik gambar insan kerdil cam aku... hehehe...

this is my favourite picture.. tapi penat gelak kot nak amik gambar camni.. hahahah...

and gambar ni muka aku sangat la tak natural... suddenly gambar suamiku yang menyerlah...hahahha.. tak aci... 

N gambar yang sang suami suka.. nak soh amik 10 kali gambar camni pon takpe... katanya la... sengal sungguh....

macam kelakar jek tengok gambar nih.. hahhahaa.. 

habis2 berphoto shoot, my B cakap jangan lah anak gedik macam ibu dia gila bergambar... of course la akan menghasut anakku supaya suka berphoto shoot.. hahahah.. boleh jadikan geng giler bergambar... hahhaha... 

and this time just waiting for the time for me to bersalin.. another 10 days to go.. if follow due date, it will be 29.9.. but according to doctor, this week i'm gonna deliver because dah ada tanda... OMG... scaryyyy.. but excited... 

Hopefully all gonna be okay.. inshaallah...

and last word... just look at the picture how struggle my B pasang baby cot last mid night after work... suddenly terharu.. hopefully the baby will appreciate her father well..inshallah...

hahaha.. this picture memang lawak.. tertunduk2 amik screw... ngan belenggeng lagi...ish..ish... sexy sungguh...

and this is the result....:) so cuteeeeee..... 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Raya Celebration 2012

This year punya Raya 2012 sangat unique... sebabnya... kena beraya kat JB sebagai mak buyung yang single.. hehehe.. sang suami beraya kat Kota Bharu and aku beraya kat Johor Bahru. Sian aku kan.. actually bukan kesian kat aku.. kesian kat sang suami... mana taknya bertolak dari KL Khamis pagi.. then sampai JB tengahari... bertolak ke KB on Friday night after berbuka puasa... and the sadness thing dia kena naik bas tambahan.. sian dia... patutnya aku kena nyanyikan dia lagu dendang perantau kan... huhuh.. seriously bukan taknak ikot balik KB but my perut say i can't... so terpaksala even hati berat untuk beraya kat JB (cecece... ayat cover line...;p) anyway kenapa dia kena naik bas tambahan?? it is becoz... aku risau dia drive sengsorang coz dia suka tido sambil drive.. even driver F1 pon takleh drive macam tuh..ish..ish....
so last minute decide tu yang terpaksa naik bas tambahan... ticket flight licin.. ticket train pon licin... 
We only met on Raya ke-3 morning.. sang suami naik train on Raya ke-2 malam.. kesian dia mesti sangat penatkan....

this is the 1st Raya picture.. even tak raya sama but the baju wajib sama.. hehehe.. tuh namanya gedix...
 this is the 2nd day Raya... mak buyung yang menggedikkan... eheheh...
 on the 4th day of Raya my sis engage.. alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan ngan lancar... n make up si fatie ni tak nampak pulak.. baru nak tunjuk keterror'an aku make up kan.. heheh.. the tudung style is made by adikku si KD.. hheheheh... jimat duit kan tak payah guna bridal make up...;p

this is my big happy family.. ye ye ooo jek.. inshaallah next year will be add another 2 new comer...;)

the last picture is the gambar menggedik.. tension giler nak try pakai macam model tuh tapi tak jadi.. last2 pakai style sendiri gak.. hampeh tol...;p


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

makin sensitive... hhuuhuh

 Lama giler tak update... bz plus malas sesangat... huhuh.. tapi hari ni rasa tak tahan nak kena update untuk sesi luahan perasaan... huhuh...

ntahlah apsal sejak akhir2 ni sensitip melampau... maybe dah nak beranak.. tapi takdela dah nak sangat.. baru 7 bulan lebih.. ada 2 months ahead lagi.. huhuh... sekarang ni rasa nak emo + sensitip + malas nak layan orang.. apa hal ntah.. tak betol kot.. huhuh..

lagi satu... aku nak sangat dia caring kat aku.. pastu yang tak bestnya aku selalu membandingkan orang lain pregnant ngan aku... lagi rasa tak best when I have to sleep alone.. huhuh.. memang boleh ajak orang lain teman kat umah tapi aku rasa if dia takde aku taknak sapa2 pon ada... pelik betol perangai.. n aku rasa time2 nih macam dia tak caring.. dia tak pikir aku tak larat.. dia pikir orang lain lebih dari aku.. padahal dia tak macam tuh pon.. huhuhuh... jangan la baby ikot perangai ibu ni.. ish..ish....

n sometime aku terpikir... kalo la aku sakit sangat2 n aku kena hadapi sorang masak gak ek... emmm... takpe pikir positif yek.. inshaallah tak sorang kot.. yang penting if dia takde aku taknak orang lain pon ada... lagipon macam la tak pernah sakit sorang2 kan.. chesss.. kena ingat dalam kubur pon sorang2 tau... (ayat sensitip lagi...;(....)

dah lah taknak pikir.. nak tengok benda2 yang menghappykan jek.....

tengok muka dia... next jumpa ntah hari apa ntah... emmm...bosan...

haah lupa nak update g Melaka hari tuh... hehehe.. 

tengok baju2 nih terus happy... mana tak happy dah berabih kat Sogo beratus2... heheh... Sayang.. nanti ibu dah ada teman....;)

even kena kutuk ngan budak2 opis beli handbag ni aku tetap suka... lantokkkkk....... 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Hi Tea + KD convo....

Lama betol tak update.. huhu.. kemalasan sangat melanda... suddenly today baru nak update coz network problem kat opis.. huuhhu....

Last month celebrate staff staff department aku yang dapat KPI gempaq... hehehehe....
alhamdulillah this year lagi sekali dapat KPI 3... maybe rezki baby kot...;)
but next month hopefully biarlah colleague aku yang lain pulak dapat... dah cukup la 3 years straight aku dapat KPI camtu....  rasa sangat tak best.. huhu..

cari punya cari tempat makan, last sekali jumpa la tempat nih.. seingat aku, aku n the geng pernah makan kat sini.. quite ok.. price, makanan n tempat dia suma best... KELANTAN DELIGHTS   

nih la muka2 opis mate aku.. suma control cun eh... hahaha...

hehehe.. makanan2 kelantan yang ada... yang aku tau pulut mangga jek... yang lain ntah ler... 
ooohhh.. teh tarik tak masuk dalam list Kelantanies punya makanan eh.. tuh mamak mari....;)

hahahah... control sopan... sopan pada masa amik gambar tu jela...;p

minah belah kiri nih memang selalu control cun.... heheheh... (sorry la nana sekali sekala kutuk...;p)

n besides, the same month alhamdulillah konvo adik aku... Diploma from Uitm... so aku n abgjib kena masuk dewan.. abah aku tak dapat pergi atas sebab2 yang tertentu..heheheh.. so aku n abg jib la jadi umi n abah KD jab...;p

disebabkan kesian muka cam nak nangis aku beli la bunga untuk dia.. haahahaha... anyway Congrats KD.. n inshaallah akan smbung Degree pulak.. Hopefully jangan main2 eh... takyah ler ikot jejak kakakmu yang sorang nih...;p

abg jib terpaksa control macho.. dah macam bapak2 dah pakai baju batik.. 
hopefully takde la budak2 skolah teknik JB.. coz abg jib pinjam baju YUS... hahahah... kantoi....

Friday, May 4, 2012

Almost 5 months

alhamdulillah my pregnancy almost 5 months.. according to this website, that i'm browse every weeks since my pregnancy, she's about 6 inches and 240 grams..;) so damn excited. we both just Doa' hopefully she's sihat, sempurna and will be anak yang soleh/solehah, inshaallah...
anyway start next month, if possible want to find the things for my baby... and also have to start Google what I have to prepare to be a good mother..;)
and awak.... hehehe.. have to prepare to be a good father tauuuuu....;)


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Vietnam Vacation

Last week is my vacation this year... hehehhe... target every year kena ada 1 oversea vacation....;p
and this year the place is Vietnam... alhamdulillah selamat pergi and selamat pulang... even me tengah pregnant and my bff siap bawak baby... and the baby Yusuf sangat behave sepanjang berada kat Vietnam.. rasa cam nak bawak je si baby comel tu lagi g jalan...heheh...

anyway this time, memang giler shopping... rambang mata cause tengok cotton yang tersangat la cantik n tersangat la murah... damn it terus kepala otak pikir business.. hahahah... anyway my trip is together with my bff and 4 others.. actually this trip i'm only know 1 person jek... keje sama kat TM, Kak Lily but nak menyibuk punya pasal, i don't care... like trip g Beijing last time pon menyibuk ngan trip orang.. hahahaha... suka suki je kan..;p But even i'm only know Kak Lily jek, for 4 days and 3 nights, the 3 person that i doesn't know become my friend and kakak2 yang sangat baikkk.... n the vacation santai2.. tak berkejar ke sana ke mari.. bila penat boleh relaks2 jab... syok giler... then ada pulak husband 1 of the akak yang dah buat research before g Vietnam and he soooo helpful and sangat baik... n we both tak payah pikir sangat pasal tempat2 best cause he already find out for us... best kan....

rasa tak complete if gambar tak amik kan.. hehehe.. memang muka syok sendiri betol...

the picture once depart from KL..;) the enthusiast face....;p
we arrive Vietnam at 10pm.. to be inform the taxi we take is Vinasun... cause taxi lain banyak menipu...

The first restaurant Halal that we found this morning.. tuh pon Che Ani (husband kak Zaini) yang carikan.. near to our hotel...;)

we can get roti canai and milo panas at Vietnam tau... heheheh... the price reasonable even sikit mahal...

the 2nd day is time to shop.. 1st place we go early in the morning is Binh Tay Market.. anyway i just don't like sangat g pasar nih.. the kain yang manik2.. chiffon kerawang2.. heeheh.. not my taste sangat... BUT.... afternoon session is most happiest moment.. hahhaa.... We go to Ben Thanh Market.. Syurga cotton.. syok giler and sangat la rambang mata... but serambang2 mata aku rambang lagi mata si shidah.. hahaha.. amik 10 pasang terus.. aku at least 4 pasang jek...;p

and after kepenatan yang teramat la sangat cause giler bershopping.. balik hotel.. n forgot to tell... we stay at Boss 1 Hotel.. heheh.. USD29 semalam... and after maghrib, Che Ani suh datang bilik cause ada orang datang bilik dia untuk jual telekung & baju kurung manik cotton... damnnnnn.... n di situ duitku habis lagi... ish..ish..ish... 

the next day, we are not going to shopping anymore... hehehe.. we go to Sungai Mekong... oklah.. not bad... :)

dah macam muka orang Vietnam dah aku.. hehee.. naik bot & smpan...

and malam tu pergi Ben Thant Market belah malam pulak.. hehehe.. and the most precious moment... my handphone kena rembat.. and makcik n pakcik yang dikenali Hj Nasir telah mengejar pencuri tersebut and dapat ditangkap dengan jayanya and diserahkan kepada Polis Vietnam... and i get my handphone back... si Shidah sengal boleh cakap kat aku apa "nasib baik kalo tak abisla gambar dalam handphone ko".. hampeh betol....tuh yang dia pikir... huuhhuhu... the crazy moment that i will remember most....

and the time for going back.... huhuhuh.... sedey2...;p


Thursday, March 29, 2012

In 2 months

Seriously within 2 months so much things happen... even the good and the bad.. huhuh...
But dengan kemalasan yang tak dapat dibendung so sangat la susah nak menulis... nak2 bila ditulis oleh orang yang SPM dapat markah penulisan yang sangat teruk.. mende ler merapu pasal SPM ni... adddduuuuhhhh... suddenly teringat kat Adik Kesayangan aku yang sorang nih... on 23rd March hari tuh result SPM keluar.. n unfortunately his result not so well... but takpe that is dugaan kat dia.. so he have to struggle to get in either college or 'U'.. inshaallah he can get through all this..

around end of January my B and me got the big happy new.. alhamdulillah... Finally in 2 years we got new comer....;) now my pregnancy almost 14 weeks... hopefully all the things going well... n I have to struggle n be strong because i have to stay alone in weekdays.. and the happiest thing is my b going back every week.. hehehhe....;) suka2....

n the 2nd good news is.... Abg jib already engage... alhamdulillah.. finally.. hopefully again...;p all goings well until the solemnization day... inshallah... hopefully the person is yang terbaik untuk abgjib and will make abg jib happy till d end of his life.. inshaallah....;)

for this moment, i have to take care of my self.. have to drink milk everyday.. if tak ada pak guard marah... hehehe... (sorry awak.. awak dah memang macam pak guard asyik check up saya jek...;p) n have to jaga makan... kalo tak lagi sekali ada cikgu disiplin marah.. hahahhaa... penat kena membebel... ingat ke my b dok jauh boleh ikut suka hati nak melantak suka suki aku tapi kena control.. hahahah.. sabo jeler...


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Penang Treats

Last week CNY we went holiday to Penang.. hehehe.. suka2..
Kitaorang bertolak Friday after my B keje.. nak gak keje kan.. huhuh... so we arrive at Chymes Bungalow around 5pm.... lepak2 and rest jab... then terus g makan coz dah kebuluq...

1st place we go to Gurney Hawker...

makanan pertama... hehehe.. alas perut...

makanan kedua.. mak ai.. giler babeng.. makan macam ada bela.. hahhaa..

then after perut dah kenyang we go to Gurney Plaza to watch movie...;)

1st time watch movie at Penang.. anyway citer tak berapa best compared Underworld lain.

the next day... hehehhe.. going to Bukit Bendera.. it been so long since i'm go there.. rasa dalam Darjah 3.. now i'm 29.. haaha dekat 20 years kot... my B memang langsung tak pernah g.. kesiannn...;p

20 years ago, naik keta cable.. nowadays, ada tren yang laju kat atas nih.. but macam tak syok cause tak dapat menikmati betol2 coz train tuh laju sangat... huhuh...

whatever pon happy giler dapat naik Bukit Bendera nih..;p siap ada food court lagi kat atas nih... anyway resort pon ada but macam scary jek... hehhe...

makanan pelik yang kitaorang jumpa kat atas.. kacang rebus perisa maggi goreng... serious pelik but sedap...;p

then gerak turun around 2pm.. and perut tak lapar sangat.. but wajib pergi gak... Pasar Chowasta (betolke eja.. bantai jeler eh..)
menu wajib adalah... nyok campuq or ais tingkap, mee goreng pakcik bongkok, tauhu goreng yang sedap...

so after kepenatan berjalan balik hotel, rest and after maghrib round2 kat Batu Feringi.. N tak pasal2 makan makanan Arab.. macam kat KL tak der kan....;p

Last day.... have lunch kat Kapitan.. before this asyik Line Clear now tukar angin la pulak....

this food soooooo sooooo sedap.. Butter Chicken.. not even rasa curry pon... sedap giler.... bagi aku la kan.. heheh...

so around 1pm gerak ke Lumut... lepak giler.. but best sangatt... so smpai Lumut dalam kol 4pm...

sok paginya on 23rd Jan gerak ke KL parking keta kat opis.. then amik bas g JB untuk melawat si comel nih... hehehe..

alhamdulillah Shidah selamat melahirkan Baby Boy on 17th Jan 10.30pm, 2.6kg... wish Sheikh Yusuf Mohd Najib will be anak Soleh.. inshaallah....;)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Time to break...;)

Inshaallah this week will going for holiday with my sweet, charming b......heheheh..;p
I'm already book at Chymes Hotel... anyway find it at Groupon...:)

located at Tanjung Bungah.. this is the hotel... can't wait to going there...

our activities maybe....

1) Makan - makan
aktiviti wajib even where ever we go...
Line Clear... nyok campuq... mee goreng mamak pakcik bongkok tu... hehehe....

2) Movies Gurney Plaza..
macam menarik jek kan if going to watch movie at Penang.. cam tak pernah jek..;p

3) going to chowstar market...
must do.. and i know kedai yang akan disinggah adalah kedai yang jual pedang samurai..
as i know, tak pernah lagi tak pergi kedai uncle nih if g penang... hahahaha... uncle tuh pon dah muak tengok muka my b coz tgk tak pernah beli...;p

this will be our room... Aquamarine Theme... just want black n white theme but what to say fully book... Chinese New Year maaaa....

this must be outside of the hotel maybe.. hehehe.. tak sampai lagi.. nanti sampai will be take pictures banyak2 eh..;)

Hopefully my vacation fully joy and happiness with my lovely b...

hahahhaah.. last picture...;p