semalam g mvalley. n lapar n makan benda alah nih.. n dinner ngan dessert yang sangat sedap nih... do u think that enough for my stomach.. hehe.. of course la tak kan.. after balik dari mvalley beli pau rendang kat kedai depan nu.. huhu. sabo jeler..

look soooo delicious kan.. nak2 biler perut tengah lapar macam sekarang nih.. RM17 only for this.. only at Paddington Pancakes.. hahhaa.. promote..promote.. macam nk promote tudung pulak...;p
take a picture before this dessert nih dirosakkan by us..
just think to order some main course but suddenly found that it has a menu including "ham". so just cancel it.. n makan only this desserts..
just think to order some main course but suddenly found that it has a menu including "ham". so just cancel it.. n makan only this desserts..
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