1st n maybe the last time aku nak g tengok teater nih.. heheh.. CUCI THE MUSICAL... orang cakap best.. tapi tak tau coz never been to teater before.. n memang excited nak g tengok.. tapi menjadi tak berapa excited after have been scolded becoz that ticket very expensive.. whatever..
so as i said, maybe this is the last time... coz after married maybe have been scolded once again if nak g tengok lagi.. coz ticket tuh mahal.. arggghhhh... geram.. apa2 lah.. lupakan...
yang penting tak sabar nak g tengok.. huhuh...
sometimes i'm just thinking if i'm not waste the money for that kind of stuff, where did i waste to?? so if tak menghabiskan duit ke situ, duit tuh dihabiskan ke lain gak kan.. so baik kita buat whatever we want before we can't.. apa2 lah... sebenarnya aku pon dah pening.. huhu... penat tau nak tahan benda yang kita nak buat n nak beli tapi takleh.. eee.....

so as i said, maybe this is the last time... coz after married maybe have been scolded once again if nak g tengok lagi.. coz ticket tuh mahal.. arggghhhh... geram.. apa2 lah.. lupakan...
yang penting tak sabar nak g tengok.. huhuh...
sometimes i'm just thinking if i'm not waste the money for that kind of stuff, where did i waste to?? so if tak menghabiskan duit ke situ, duit tuh dihabiskan ke lain gak kan.. so baik kita buat whatever we want before we can't.. apa2 lah... sebenarnya aku pon dah pening.. huhu... penat tau nak tahan benda yang kita nak buat n nak beli tapi takleh.. eee.....
best nye kak yam..ni tiket mahal mesti amik yg seat depan2 kan..puas hati nampak clear je..
tengok macam depan tapi tak tau dia punya hall besar mana kan..
biasa 1st time tengok..p
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