what the happy working day without the bosses... heheh.. boleh pulak pekena starbuck di waktu office hour.. suka suki mak bapak kitaorang jek kan. ish..ish...
i dont know la y.. its been 2 days im going to meeting that hav been canceled without any announcement. membazir minyak keta aku jek.. ish..ish.. TM...TM...TM.. last week ive open public mutual fund. i think it just a simple as open asb account.. sekali byk pulak cekadak n macam2 bnda aku kena tau.. heheh.. so i hav to learn about unit trust.. nasib baik la ader opis mate yg terrer bab2 invest nih.. thanx amy.. pasnih boleh jadi agent tak rasmi eh.. heheh so now.. all have been settle already.. start from now on aku kena bukak website thestarbiz almost everyday... tula suh amik agent taknak...hehe.. mahal tuh kena bagi komisyen 3.3% + management fee 5.5%.. so tinggal berapa jek.. but it more suitable for investor yg nak invest byk la kot.. yg aku nih invest setakat invest ciput nak buat aper.. amy dah ada...heheheh....
yesterday i got the email.. heheh pastuh dapat picture makanan n mainan yg the 80's child main. heheh.. remember me again when i being the kanak-kanak ribena.. main n makan n main the merepek's thing nih..
finally.. hahhaa.. i got my new template and the thing is i have to learn... n rajin membaca n mencari.. so after this i got work to do.. always change my background.. penat gak ek nak buat benda alah nih.. emm...
i dont know la.. y this template very tak menarik and cannot change.. ke i yg tak reti.. heheh.. very tired to surf in the google for beautiful template.. at last cannot copy.. hayya.. manyak penat wooo.. abis keje aku tak siap siap gara gara cari template yg lawa.. this the first im try to post the blog.. n i dont know how to write the blog that make my blog very interesting to read... but i try to tulis whatever la yang merapu cause aku dah takder keje.. hehe...