The time going soo damn fast... now we move to 2011.. n my life still like this n nothing change to me even my body still like this not kembung2 (Bahasa sopannyer adalah pregnant).. heheh.... maybe its not the time yet... n mayb rezki belom ada.. Allah know what the best for us.. so maybe we try but rezki not at our side yet kan..
hehehh.... abih tuh tak reti dok diam kat rumah asyik berjalan.. if ada anak tak taulah.. sian kat baby tuh kan... huhu...
Our New Year Celebration at Sunway Lagoon.. Even my LOvEly husband very2 scare to play roller coaster (even the kids roller coaster) but because he love me he has to follow (secara terpakse).. heheh.. thanks sayanggg...hehehhe..;p U never see the scary face like him.. all his member hanya mampu gelak until air mata kuar... hahhaah.... we at Sunway Lagoon from 10 am until 5pm.. balik rumah pengsan terus sehhhh.... sabo jeler...
Anyway I have many2 plans for this year.. dah serabut kepala hotak banyak sangat.. heheh..
1. Feb 2011 if PTPTN approve my surat rayuan untuk ke oversea, i'll go to Beijing with my colleague together with my sister...Fatie....huhuh... tak sabarnyer.. tuh pon if PTPTN lepas k... but its already bookkk.... pleaseeeee PTPTN kasihanilah dakuuuu....huhhu...
Also have to Balik Kelantan bercuti n meet my mummy n daddy.. huhuh... bestnyerrr....
2. Mar 2011 Celebration My Lovely Husband Birthday.. have to do something and going somewhere... :>)
3. April 2011 (if luckily get bonusss....plssss i want bonusss) want to go to Pangkor Lautt....;p
4. Then the next months until Dec 2011 pergi balik Lumut.. meet my lovely husband.. heheeh...;p
5. More important to focus for my online business.. to build strong n retain customers...huhhhu...
"banyak ker plan sampai serabut kepala hotak tuh.. cheeehhhh....macam ada berpuluh2 plan jekan..hahha..."LAST 25TH DEC 2010 IS OUR 1ST ANNIVERSARY... TAK SANGKA DAH SETAHUN KAWIN..